Serious threats may be hiding in your Microsoft 365 mailboxes.

Scan your Microsoft 365 environment now and get a personalised report on advanced threats that are already in your account. Signing up takes 2 minutes and its 100% free.

It’s fast, free and safe—with no impact on email performance.

98% of organisations with Microsoft 365 harbor malicious emails inside their mailboxes.*

Many of these email threats stealthily slip past the gateway. Threats like ransomware, spear phishing, and account takeover put your organisation and employees at significant risk. In fact, undetected email threats cost businesses over $300 million per month.

Find out what’s hiding in your inbox.

It’s critical to assess and understand your email security vulnerabilities. Using artificial intelligence and API integration with Microsoft 365, the Barracuda Email Threat Scanner quickly and effectively finds social engineering attacks currently sitting in your mailboxes.

*Organisations with 100+ mailboxes

Detect email threats that got past your email gateway

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Barracuda Email Threat Scanner in Numbers

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Our experienced team are here to help understand the way in which you do business and the way your organisation uses technology to deliver results.