6 Examples of Email Signature Banners to Build Your Brand

6 Examples of Email Signature Banners to Build Your Brand

2 Minutes to Read

Professional email designs that stand out from the crowd!


The list below contains 6 examples of how you can use Rocketseed to build your brand via email signatures.


  1. 1. The Brand Image Builder

  2. 2. The Brand Positioner

  3. 3. The Compliance Confirmer

  4. 4. The Sub-brander

  5. 5. The Client Testimonial

  6. 6. The Client Case Study



1. The Brand Image Builder

Email signature banner example Brand image builder

Email signature marketing banners give you a non intrusive but creative opportunity to bring your brand to life. Use your very best quality imagery to give current and potential clients the reassurance they need to buy from you or wet their appetite to find out more about your brand.

2. The Brand Positioner

Email signature banner example Brand positioning

What makes your brand so special? Your product range? Your prices? Your service? Be sure to use an email banner to demonstrate how you stand out from the crowd. Remind your recipients that only you can give them what they value most and why they should choose you over your competitors.

3.The Compliance Confirmer

The Compliance Confirmer

Does your business need to show people how you meet specific industry standards? Maybe you want to promote your eco or social initiatives? Create an email signature banner to emphasise your accreditations and compliance credentials. Use a clear call to action and direct visitors to your regulatory information giving complete peace of mind that you are the right choice.

4.The Sub-brander

The Sub-brander

Does your business have strong customer-facing sub-brands? Sometimes there is more than one brand to promote within an organisation. Rocketseed make it easy to create and control different email marketing banners for constituent business, departments or product sub-brands. All of this whilst maintaining your overall brand integrity.

5.The Client Testimonial

The Client Testimonial

Nothing builds trust like a testimonial. Give recipients the reassurance they need by featuring a customer comment in your email banner design with a call-to-action button that takes them directly to the full testimonial or a 5-star review.

6.The Client Case Study

The Client Case Study

Want to prove you have the experience that your potential client is looking for? Then convince them with a case study. This is a great example of how an email banner can show a case study key result, with a call to action for recipients to click to see how you achieved it step-by-step.


Why Should You Choose Rocketseed?


Rocketseed gives you the power to add dynamic, eye-catching and engaging banners to your business email.

Getting started couldn't be more simple. If you're interested in improving the way customers see your brand, Rocketseed provides a number of services to boost the performance and ultimate success of your marketing.

Want to know more? Click Here to visit our dedicated Rocketseed webpage.